Peer-Led Support Groups

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Peer-led Support Groups

At Recovery In Motion, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in addressing mental health and sobriety issues in our community. Mentoring is by no means an easy feat, but through cooperation and community empowerment, we believe we can facilitate progress in this area. We are always striving to make a difference and invite you to learn more and lend your support.


7PM - 8PM
Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap is a group for reentry peers (IDOC) led by a volunteer from the outside.


3PM - 4PM
No More Excuses

No More Excuses is a meeting where we discuss the prevalence of excuses and justifications in the recovery process. We discuss how to recognize when we are making them, or they are being made for us, and how to counter that.

4PM - 5PM
Let’s Talk Recovery

This is a fairly free-form meeting, where we discuss the challenges, the tools and the resources of recovery. We usually start out with a round-robin about “what are you struggling with today” and then discuss solutions, resources, or options available to help overcome that struggle.


4PM - 5PM

A group where understanding of the process, the availability, and the benefits of recovery are discussed. As well, challenges or successes that any group member may be experiencing may be open to discussion, at their discretion. A sort of 12 step meeting without the 12 steps.

5PM - 6PM

The spiritual practice (as opposed to the clinical practice) of Mindfulness and meditation is taught and discussed, often through the use of multimedia, for the purpose of providing peers with a drug-free option for managing stress and psychic pain, as well as providing a path to a more centered and perhaps humble personal existence.